Why it’s been so quiet

And what I’ve learned about time management

Jay Pendragon
2 min readJan 8, 2023
Photo: Kristina Flour via Unsplash

There’s an entire list of ideas for essays, blogs, think-pieces, screenplays and books in my notes app.

I continuously conceive of topics, my muse is active – but I’ve only posted on Medium once in 2022.

While other writers rake in the big bucks (or as big as they can be on Medium), I’ve been watching from the sidelines, dreaming of a time when I’ll have more time to –

No, scratch that.

Where I will MAKE more time to write.

I have the same 24 hours in a day as anyone else. To be fair, I have no kids, so my time management is mostly up to myself.

Yet as a freelance writer, my first priority have been other people’s projects.

My own? On the backburner.

This might change in 2023. My muse feels adrift, left alone, ignored. I want to get back to creating stories that move people, stories that inspire, that entertain.

I’ve been there with fanfiction — and I want to return. Both to the realm of fanfic and original projects

Here’s my open commitment to making it a reality in 2023. I have no plan (yet), so bear with me.

And I hope you can make more room for your passions this year as well!



Jay Pendragon

Nonbinary queer storyteller, learning how to enjoy life during eating disorder recovery. They/them. https://jaypendragon.com