Why You Need To Celebrate The Small Victories

… and 3 ways to actually do it. A perfectionist’s guide.

Jay Pendragon
4 min readJan 13, 2023
Photo by Dzenina Lukac

As is the case for most creatives, I am my own harshest critic. Where others might be singing my praises, I often don’t actively value the achievements.

My new-ish boyfriend finally broke up with his actually-still-girlfriend after months of drama?

Cheer for him (and myself) briefly, then face forward.

Received amazing feedback from my boss?

Enjoy the moment, then move on.

Made five figures in a month?

Keep on grinding.

Putting it on the black-and-white screen like this, it reads ludicorus. Why wouldn’t I relish the fact of these wins?

Thing is, I’m a recovering perfectionist.

Emphasis on “recovering” – as in actively trying to shed my intrusive thoughts telling me I need to push myself more, produce the best work I can possibly do…

… while clinging to the 80/20 rule, my cat plushie, and my mantra of progress, not perfection.

Combined with a very performance-oriented childhood and the current hustle culture of ever higher bars to clear before being allowed to deem one’s self “successful”, I’ve…



Jay Pendragon

Nonbinary queer storyteller, learning how to enjoy life during eating disorder recovery. They/them. https://jaypendragon.com